The world economy is not working well. The consumer worldwide is extremely poor and personal debt is at a all time high levels. Business is finding it hard to generate a profit which makes it hard for people in the workforce to get good paying jobs. Plus the business world has a problem realizing a profit on the retail products they are selling and the service industry has fewer customers that are able to pay for needed services. The internet and China are the main drivers of prices being lowered for goods and services worldwide.

Issuelism proposed solution is to artificially stimulate the United States with supplemental income to give the consumer buying power to support a healthy economy. Using World Monetary Bureau Inc. as an issue contractor it is possible for the United States to buy the currency needed creating a very low debt burden to be able to pay supplemental income to residents of The United States Of America a reality.

The supplemental income is proposed to be taxable which will create a healthy environment where the taxes collected by the United States Government will be greater than the wholesale expenditure of the bought currency.

In addition David Perlmutter, the inventor of Issuelism has created the concept called Markup Law to control inflation by creating laws to control rising prices in a healthy way for the US and World economy.

For people the Issuelism economic concept is proposing for Countries to give unsecured wholesale loans to every working Citizen over 30 years old every 10 years in the amounts of 1-2 Million dollars. The proposed wholesale repayment rate is 10% to the Citizen, but can be adjusted in either direction by each Country, which creates a profit to the Country over the wholesale buy rate of the currency and improves the economy of every Country.

“What we want to achieve is an environment in the World that has a strong consumer with money to spend to support businesses and their families in a healthy way and keep inflation down at the same time, said David Perlmutter the creator of the economic concept called Issuelism."